Posted on 3/23/2022

The catalytic converter is the part in gas-powered vehicles responsible for changing toxic engine emissions into safer, breathable gasses. While this strong, metal piece is intended to last a very long time, there are other problems that can arise. A common issue with this part is that it is often stolen by thieves. Catalytic converters have been targeted by thieves for as long as ever, and you may wonder why. Firstly, catalytic converters are made of expensive precious metals (including platinum, rhodium, palladium, etc.) that can be sold for money. Unfortunately, this part of your car is also easy for thieves to get to and cut off. The best way to prevent others from stealing your catalytic converter is to install a protective covering, like a Cat shield. Otherwise, you should have some form of security and surveillance when it comes to parking and storing your vehicle. If your catalytic converter isn't stolen, it can sometimes fail after ma ... read more
Posted on 2/25/2022

Every driver knows the importance and frequency of their regular oil changes, but there's more to car maintenance than motor oil. Car owners are responsible for performing routine maintenance to ensure their car runs smoothly and to prevent costly repairs. Most of the time, your vehicle's manufacturer will have a maintenance schedule with recommended intervals or timeframes to get these maintenance services done. Below is a quick guide on what kind of auto maintenance services you may need and how frequently your car may need them. Every Month Once a month, it would be best to monitor your fluid levels and top off any if necessary. Furthermore, it would be best if you gave your air filter a glance to look for signs of wear and tear. Last but not least, you should measure your tire pressure and test tread depth to ensure your tires are safe to drive on the road. Every Few Months Though the exact timeframe could vary depending on your car's make/model and the motor ... read more
Posted on 1/28/2022

Valentine's Day is a beloved holiday here in the United States. Most celebrate by spending time with their loved ones, either by going out for dinner or maybe even taking a romantic trip. If you're planning on traveling for your Valentine's Day this year, one of the most important things you can do before you embark is ensuring that your vehicle will stay reliable along the way. Dealing with a broken-down vehicle, especially on the way to a Valentine's Day destination, can be stressful and can downright ruin your trip altogether. Poor vehicle maintenance can put your car at risk for trouble on the road, which is where our experts step in. Here at our local auto repair shop, we offer pre-trip inspections to check your car's vital systems. We can make sure that all its important systems are working properly, and if not, we can take care of any repairs or services before you leave. A pre-trip inspection will give you peace of mind on the road, and will also protect y ... read more
Posted on 12/23/2021
Generally speaking, brake pads should be replaced about every 50,000 miles. Whether a driver would need them replaced sooner or later than that, however, depends on the individual person's driving habits, driving environment, and the material or composition of the brake pads themselves. Fortunately, there's no need to be an expert on these various conditions in order to stay on top of your car's upkeep! Knowing what signs to look out for, as well as how to extend the lifespan of your brake pads, will effectively suffice in promoting the maintenance and safety of your vehicle and any driver behind its wheel. Signs Your Brake Pads Need To Be Replaced Hearing squeaking or grinding sounds when hitting the brakes. This is usually the first sign brake pads have neared the end of their functional lifespan; it's evidence the pads have worn down and are no longer performing optimally. If you hear squeaking, squealing, or grinding sounds when braking, be sure ... read more
Posted on 11/22/2021

The check engine light is one of the most feared situations for most drivers. This dreaded yellow light is a telltale sign that something is wrong with your engine, and it can mean various things. Thankfully, the experts at Kwik Kar Auto Repair have the tools and skills to diagnose your check engine light. What Is Different About a Flashing Check Engine Light? In some instances, the check engine light will flash instead of stay steady. A flashing check engine light means there is a severe engine issue at hand, and you should stop driving. It is considered an emergency, and if you continue to operate your vehicle, the damages can escalate fast. If you notice the yellow light blinking on your dashboard, you should immediately pull over and call for an emergency tow. It is the safest bet if you want to minimize the damage done to your vehicle. As soon as your vehicle gets to Kwik Kar Auto Repair, our technicians will conduct a thorough a ... read more