Posted on 2/25/2022

Every driver knows the importance and frequency of their regular oil changes, but there's more to car maintenance than motor oil. Car owners are responsible for performing routine maintenance to ensure their car runs smoothly and to prevent costly repairs. Most of the time, your vehicle's manufacturer will have a maintenance schedule with recommended intervals or timeframes to get these maintenance services done. Below is a quick guide on what kind of auto maintenance services you may need and how frequently your car may need them. Every Month Once a month, it would be best to monitor your fluid levels and top off any if necessary. Furthermore, it would be best if you gave your air filter a glance to look for signs of wear and tear. Last but not least, you should measure your tire pressure and test tread depth to ensure your tires are safe to drive on the road. Every Few Months Though the exact timeframe could vary depending on your car's make/model and the motor ... read more