Road trips can be very fun and exciting (yes, we're referring to the journey to get to your destination). To make your next road trip more enjoyable, we propose the idea of playing games with your fellow road passengers. Road trip games can make the ride more entertaining, and it'll make the time breeze by. Here are some of our favorite road trip games!
License Plate Game
The License Plate Games is a classic game where you try to spot license plates from all 50 states. Keep a list of the states you've seen and see how many you can cross off by the end of your trip.
I Spy
Another classic game that can be played with people of all ages. Take turns choosing an object within sight and giving the famous "I spy" clue. Example: "I spy with my little eye something green."
20 Questions
One player thinks of a random object, and the other players take turns asking yes or no questions to try to determine what it is. The game ends when someone correctly guesses the object or when 20 questions have been asked.
Name that Tune
Play a snippet of a song, and see who can correctly guess the title and artist of the song first. Bonus points for singing along!
Would You Rather
Ask each other questions like "Would you rather have flying powers or mind-reading powers?" or "Would you rather eat burgers or tacos for the rest of your life?" and debate the answers.
Celebrity Name Game
One player says the name of a celebrity, and the next player has to say the name of another celebrity whose first name starts with the first letter of the previous famous person's last name. Example: Tom Cruise → Cameron Diaz → Dwayne Johnson, and so on.
These are just several of the many fun road trip games you can play to make the ride exciting and time go by faster. Don't forget to take breaks and stretch your legs to keep your body and mind fresh during your travels. Happy road-tripping from the team at Kwik Kar Auto Repair!
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